Dear praying friends and family,
We bring you greetings from Ghana, West Africa, where we have been privileged to be your representatives in the Lord’s vineyard. We are very thankful for your faithful partnership with us in our labor for the Lord. It is hard to think that it’s almost three months since our last prayer letter. The Lord has kept us engaged in His work and our own lives, and that time has passed by us unnoticed!
In April, the Lord added another year to Sophia, for which we are thankful and rejoice in the years that God has given her. We pray that the Lord would continue to use her in His ministry and our lives as a family. Thank you to those of you who sent gifts and cards to her for that day. We are very appreciative of that. The next big thing for us in April was participating in the Baptist youth camp, where we saw a lot of young people come to be encouraged in God’s Word, and several were saved during that week. We praise the Lord for the Darimani family, who shoulder the responsibility of this ministry every year. It was a blessing to us and many others.
The Lord blessed our ministry in the month of May as well as we celebrated Mother’s Day with our church family. The Lord also allowed our family to travel a couple of hours southward to a Nursing Training College at Bole, where Alexander’s sister is a student, to train them in winning souls. We had a good time with the students and were encouraged by their response to the training. Please pray for these students to use the training in winning souls to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Also in May, during one of Alexander’s trips back from the radio station in Nadowli with his cousin, they gave a lift to a lady called Bernice, who considered herself to be “spiritual” but not religious. The Lord allowed Alexander to witness to her over several days and she finally trusted Christ on Monday night of the following week. Please pray for Bernice as she begins to live for Christ and the many responsibilities that she has. We were also blessed to partner with Pastor Simon Ngmenkaara to show The Jesus Film and preach the Gospel at Tuole where he has a church plant. Several souls prayed to trust Christ during the outreach; please pray that they would faithfully attend church and be discipled.
The last week of May into the first week of June, we were privileged to host a team of 10 college graduates/students with a deacon and his wife from Baptist College of Ministry, our Alma Mater, and Falls Baptist Church, our sending church. The team was a blessing to our ministry and an encouragement to our families. They participated in several ministries, including our weekly radiobroadcast, where they provided live music and gave gospel messages; our academy chapels, where they preached to both teachers and students; witnessing at the university in Wa town; holding a tent meeting at Nadowli; and having VBSs at Gyilli and Takpo. We certainly enjoyed the team’s ministry with us and desire that the over one hundred souls that were saved through their ministry would grow in their knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. If your church, family, or you as an individual would like to come and be part of the ministry here in Ghana, please let us know, and we would be thrilled to host you!
We want to thank the Lord for those who have given to our ministry pickup truck project. At this point, the Lord has given about 40% of the total amount needed to meet the need! If you, your family, or church wish to contribute to this project, please make out your check to Baptist World Mission, PO Box 2149, Decatur, AL 35602, and put the project name “Alex Tingbani – Ministry pickup truck Project” in the memo line of your check. We will send another mailing when we have reached our goal. If the funds that come in exceed our need, we will redirect those funds to a similar project.
Thank you once again for partnering with us in the Lord’s work. We pray and strive that eternal fruit will accrue to your accounts through our ministry here in Ghana, West Africa!
We praise the Lord for:
- His protection and provision for our lives and ministry.
- You, our supporters, who are faithfully bearing us before God’s mercy seat and sending to meet our needs and giving towards our ministry truck project.
- The ministry opportunities that He has given us to serve Him here and the safety He has given us in our service and ministry.
- The many blessings that the Lord has given us in His service in the ministry partners and friends we have.
- A successful close of the college year in May.
- A successful mission trip by a group from our Alma Mater and sending church.
Please continue to pray for:
- Our need for a ministry pickup truck, that the Lord will bring in the needed funding.
- The many ministry opportunities that we have for God to really use us to impact lives for Himself eternally.
- Stephen and his family to continue to grow and take steps of obedience.
- Bernice to draw closer to the Lord and grow!
- For safety in our summer ministry travels and for eternal fruit to abound from them.
- The college ministry, for the current students, and the faculty and preparations for the next school year in August.