Flag of Ghana at Sunrise


I was born and raised in Ghana, West Africa to Roman Catholic parents. However, I did not grow up under the care of my parents but my grandparents who were idol worshipers. The primary reason my parents had me live with my grandparents was that my grandfather (my mother’s dad) believed that I was an incarnate of the river god that he worshiped. As a result of this, I was named after that god and was being prepared to be a life-long servant to this god and to take the place of my grandfather in the shrine of this god and many other gods whenever he passes off the scenes. My early years were given to this idol and I lived in fear of the unknown. However, God in His will and eternal plan for my life, had another young man, my cousin, grow up in the same family with me. My cousin helped my grandfather with the sacrifices of the shrine until he got saved through the Baptist church that was in the village. When my cousin got saved, I had to step into his shoes in helping my grandfather in the shrine. Hear a bit of my testimony and a Gospel presentation here. I was invited to church severally by my cousin and I did go but I had never heard the full gospel until one Sunday morning when a new preacher came to preach in the church. I was in the front pew that morning and for the first time, I heard the gospel preached against the backdrop of sin and the just punishment of Hell for all sinners. I could not trust Christ that day out of fear for my grandparents. However, the haunting thoughts of Hell’s fire never left my mind. The following Wednesday, the same preacher came and preached a similar message and that night I trusted Christ as my personal Lord and Savior! The Lord burdened my heart with sharing the gospel after my salvation despite the fact that I never thought I will be in full time ministry. I surrendered my life to serve the Lord in any capacity that He would like to use me during a youth camp in 2012 and a year later, 2013, I surrendered to preach. I enrolled in a Bible College to receive that needed training for Gospel ministry and through those years, the Lord burdened my heart with the training of other men for the work of the ministry. I sought more training and the Lord allowed me to do my seminary training at Baptist Theological Seminary (graduate school of Baptist College of Ministry) in Menomonee Falls, WI. I will head back home after my schooling with a burden to strengthen churches to accomplish the Great Commission in their quarters, to plant new local churches in villages and towns that need the Gospel and to train other men for the work of Gospel ministry.

Alexander Tingbani

Pastor Alexander Tingbani

I am a missionary to the African people starting in my own country of Ghana, West Africa. I have a burden to reach the unsaved with the Gospel of Jesus Christ through personal soul winning, open-air evangelistic preaching and local church revival meetings. I am also burdened to be used of God to revive already existing churches and equip their members to live the victorious Christian life and to be equipped to reach others with the message of Jesus Christ.