African Grass Huts

Oct-Dec. ’23 Prayer Letter

Jan 23, 2024


Dear praying friends and family,

We bring you greetings from Ghana, West Africa where we have been privileged to be your representatives in the Lord’s vineyard. We are very thankful for your faithful partnership with us in our labor for the Lord. All that we do in service to the Lord would not be possible without your faithful prayer and financial support.

October was a month of much activity in our lives and ministry. On the first Sunday, we were at Gyilli Regular to be an encouragement to the believers there through the ministry of the Word. This is the church that Alexander was saved and baptized in, so it is always a special time whenever we have the opportunity to visit and minister with them. The second and third Sundays found us at Beulah Community Baptist, where Alexander is helping fill the pulpit for our friend Pastor Donaldson, who has suffered a stroke but is recovering. The fourth Sunday, we were able to visit one of the new church plants that we helped start back in April in a community called Kaangu. It was a blessing to see the faithfulness of the people and the pastor of Beacon Baptist Church with whom we have partnered in this work. We also took the opportunity to be an encouragement to the believers at Beacon Baptist Church at Kanyin-guasi. The last Sunday of October, we finished the soul-winning training with the believers at Kaleo Baptist Church. The training has gone well and there is a great potential in the congregation as they reach out to their community in sharing the hope they have in the Son of God.

The month of November was a very fruitful month in our lives and the ministry that the Lord has for us here in Ghana, West Africa. We were at Gyilli Regular Baptist Church for the first Sunday of November as we often do on the first Sunday, and on the second Sunday, we fellowshipped with the believers at Beulah Community Baptist Church. In both of these assemblies, the Lord enabled Alexander to minister the Word of the Lord to the people and we all shared in the blessing of Christian fellowship. On the third Sunday, Alexander and his brother Williams visited Bible Baptist Church at Kachiau in the Wa West District. It was a blessing because Alexander partnered with the assistant pastor of that church to plant a new church in a nearby community of Wechiau-Gojuyiri in 2022. It was huge blessing to be with the church plant and to encourage them from God’s Word and see the growth and development that the Lord is working in them. On the last Sunday in November, we were at Kaleo Baptist Church, where Alexander have been doing a soul-winning training. We concluded the training with that church and will desire your prayers for them as they witness Christ to their community and beyond.

We also had the privilege of being ministered to by the Visser family of Precious Stones Biblical Counseling Ministries in November. They were invited by our ministry friends and partners (the Darimani family) to minister to their church, Wa Regular Baptist Church, and other churches here in the region. They held a leadership training, family conference, and men’s and women’s retreats. These programs were very helpful and well attended. We pray that what was taught would be implemented in our various lives, families, and churches.

On the first weekend of December, we partnered with Pastor Isaac Molonaa to show the Jesus film and preach the Gospel in the Kparisaga community. The Lord blessed the two nights of these meetings and about 40 souls prayed to be saved. Pray for Pastor Isaac and his church to be able to follow up with these people and disciple them. On the 9th of December, we held a one-day evangelism training, when attendees were instructed on how to present the Gospel using The Exchange Message Mobile App. We had an encouraging time together and we covet your prayers for these believers to be fruitful evangelists using the tools that were given them. The rest of December, we are looking forward to a couple of ministry opportunities: we will be partnering with another pastor to show the Jesus film to his church and community on Christmas Eve, and Alexander will be preaching at this year’s annual believers’ conference and leading the outreach time at the zone he will be preaching in. Pray that the Lord will give safety and eternal fruit from these ministry opportunities.

Finally, we would like to communicate a ministry need we have now – a pickup truck. The Lord provided a working vehicle for us last year which has served us well so far and we trust will continue to be useful in the coming years. However, because this vehicle is a family type vehicle though with a good clearance on the bottom, it is experiencing much strain especially when we are using it on roads that are not paved and have lots of potholes (this is the nature of all our roads outside of the Wa township). My weekly trip out to Nadowli and other distant towns for ministry is especially taking a toll on that vehicle and we have had to maintain it regularly. We are seeking to get a pickup truck that would be more suitable to the village and long distance ministry travel on our roads that predominantly unpaved and pothole plagued. 

We have sought the counsel of our sending Pastor on this need and have done the necessary paperwork with our mission board to enable us to raise a total of $40,000 towards this need. If you wish to contribute to this project, please make out your check to Baptist World Mission, PO Box 2149, Decatur, AL 35602, and put the project name “Alex Tingbani – Ministry pickup truck Project” in the memo line of your check. We will send another mailing when we have reached our goal.  If funds come in excess of our need, we will redirect those funds to a similar project.”

Thank you once again for partnering with us in the Lord’s work. We pray and strive that eternal fruit will accrue to your accounts through our ministry here in Ghana, West Africa!!


We praise the Lord for:

  1. His protection and provision for our lives and ministry
  2. You our supporters who are faithfully bearing us before God’s mercy seat and sending to meet our needs.
  3. The ministry opportunities that He has given us to serve Him here and the safety He has given us in our service and ministry.
  4. The many blessings that the Lord has given us in His service in the ministry partners and friends we have.


Please continue to pray for:

  1. Our need for a ministry pickup truck, that the Lord will bring in the needed funding for that need.
  2. The many ministry opportunities that we have, for God to really use us to impact lives for Himself eternally.
  3. Stephen and his family to continue to grow and take steps of obedience.
  4. For safety in our December ministry travels and for eternal fruit to abound from them.
  5. The college ministry for new students, the current students, and the faculty.