African Grass Huts


Oct 9, 2024

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ;” Ephesians 5:20

Dear praying friends and family,

Greetings from Ghana, West Africa, where we have been privileged to serve the Lord. The theme of giving thanks is one that the Lord has been teaching us in our service to the Lord here. We are exhorted to “give thanks always for all things” in our experience; however, it is not always easy to give thanks at all times for all things because, in our thinking, not all things are good. The Lord, however, instructs us to be thankful no matter what is happening around us because we should be thankful for Him, who lets all things happen in our lives, knowing that He has our best in mind. Let us be thankful for even the “bad” things that happen to us because God is able to work all things together for our good.

We are pleased to bring you the following update on our ministry and family here in Ghana.

Local Church: Our time at Wa Regular Baptist Church is going well, and we have had many opportunities to serve. Alexander has preached a number of times and is currently leading a Bible study on Christology during the Sunday evening services. He is also leading the youth meetings on Friday nights, and that’s going well. Sophia is involved with the women’s fellowship and enjoys spending time with the ladies. We thank the Lord for these opportunities to serve. We are also still able to minister to other local churches in our region and country that need our ministry. We were also privileged to lead the maiden youth conference for the local churches in our region. It was a blessed time with the young people, and the Lord blessed the preaching of Alexander and Rev. Aquila Darimani. Pray that the decisions these young people made during the conference will have a life-changing effect on them.

Evangelism and Church Planting: The Lord has allowed us the privilege of partnering with several churches for evangelistic and church-planting ministry. Our most recent partnership was in July, when we partnered with Great Commission Baptist Church, Jang, to plant a new church at Kanyinduori. GCBC is pastored by Alexander’s former college Greek professor, Matthew Yennaah. It was a joy partnering with him and his church in church planting. Please pray for Pastor Yennaah and his church and the new church plant to continue to grow and multiply!

West Africa Baptist College: The Bible College returned from the summer break in the first week of September. Pray for Alexander, who is teaching Intermediate Greek I, Daniel, and Revelation this semester. Also, pray for new students for the college and the continuing students to return ready to continue with their ministry training. We are excited to welcome Apex Esu Bache, a student from Cameroon whose arrival was organized by a missionary friend through the Institute.  Pray that his time with us will be transformational and that he will get helpful tools for the ministry God has called him to.

Radio Ministry: The Lord continues to use Alexander to preach on the radio 3 to 4 times a week. The Lord is encouraging believers and saving sinners through this ministry, for which we are thankful. Please continue to pray for this ministry to continue making an impact in our region and beyond. 

Family: We praise the Lord for His provision, protection, and guidance for our family. Sophia and I are continuing to grow in our relationship as a couple and as parents. The Lord has certainly been very gracious to us and is teaching us a lot. Christine is growing and developing well, and we are thankful for the healthy and joyful child that she is. Please continue to pray for us to continue to pursue the Lord and each other and to grow in our role as parents.

We want to thank the Lord for some who have given to our ministry pickup truck project. The Lord allowed us to supplement what was given already with funds from our support account to purchase the truck because of inflation in our country. BWM is still receiving donations towards this project until December 2024 to be reimbursed to our support account. If you, your family, or church wish to contribute to this project, please make out your check to Baptist World Mission, PO Box 2149, Decatur, AL 35602, and put the project name “Alex Tingbani – Ministry pickup truck Project” in the memo line of your check. We will send another mailing when we have reached our goal.  If funds come in excess of our need, we will redirect those funds to a similar project.

Thank you once again for partnering with us in the Lord’s work. We pray and strive that eternal fruit will accrue to your accounts through our ministry here in Ghana, West Africa!!


We praise the Lord for:

  1. Successful maiden youth conference and for all those who attended.
  2. Successful visit by Pastor Ernest Ndangjeng from Cameroon.
  3. His protection and provision for our lives and ministry
  4. You our supporters who are faithfully bearing us before God’s mercy seat and sending to meet our needs.
  5. The ministry opportunities that He has given us to serve Him here and the safety He has given us in our service and ministry.
  6. The many blessings that the Lord has given us in His service in the ministry partners and friends we have.
  7. The wisdom and guidance in purchasing our ministry truck.
  8. WABC has resumed and classes are going well.


  1. The beginning of a new college year in September, for the continuing students and new students.
  2. The many ministry opportunities that we have, for God to really use us to impact lives for Himself eternally.
  3. Stephen and his family to continue to grow and take steps of obedience.
  4. For safety in our September ministry travels and for eternal fruit to abound from them.
  5. Our burden of planting a church in the town of Nadowli